What happens when something you have heard your entire life and dismissed as trite and unimportant suddenly becomes true?
"You can only see the bad in other people that you have in yourself."
"You can't judge another without judging yourself."
"Point one finger at someone and you will have four pointing back at you."
Yeah. You have heard them too.
I took some time out recently to go back and really think about the people whom I have judged in one way or the other. Most judgements I made were not based on the truth of things (I do not live their life so have no idea of the truth). They were based on value judgments from me.
"Well if I were in his shoes I wouldn't....." or "She says one thing but then she does the exact opposite."
In every instance, and I mean everyone, I saw in my own life times where I acted the exact way that I was judging others on. I mean EVERYTIME!!!
Talk about hypocrisy. I AM A HYPOCRITE.
Now I hope to be able to do the reverse. I want to look at people and say to myself,
"He is compassionate. Now that I have seen it clearly in another I can recognize it in myself."
"She is loving. I am glad I understand love enough to see it as deeply as I see it in her."
"He is loyal because I I have been loyal and can see the signs."
"She is unafraid, and I have been unafraid times in my life."
I am not saying that I am successful at this in any way, but I'm trying.
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