I like to think I am an enlightened soul. No really. I thought of myself as a person to whom race, color, creed, religion, sex, or socioeconomic standing meant nothing to me.
However, the other day I realized that I pre-judge almost everyone I meet. I don't think it is even conscious most of the time. I just know that a lot of learned responses from me put people into a label, a box, a category. This limits me in finding the greatness in them.
I had to get gas, and there was someone else coming into the convenient store. He was about my age, black, dark sunglasses, and a grey hoodie. I found myself checking my wallet. I looked around the shop for other people. I noticed the security camera behind the register. I am ashamed to say this. Ashamed to admit it.
These things happened so fast that it wasn't until later that I engaged my mind and saw my reactions for what they were. I was reacting to the prejudice I learned growing up. Why the fight or flight response? Why did I see and label this person, who may be the nicest, kindest, most gentle being on the planet, as someone to be cautious around? Someone to be feared?
Again, I am not proud of my actions. I know that my grandfather was racist. I have always seen myself having so fewer prejudices. But there it is.
I can only pray that God helps me to engage my brain, and my heart and stops these patterns of automatic thought. It is a disservice to humanity.
I choose to be a person who loves. Not a person who prejudges. But I have a long way to go.
Self awareness is the seed of all of society's repair. That is some good and honest self examination!!!