There is something that happens in my life so vary rarely that when it does it is the most marvelous thing. Sometimes when I wake up I feel privileged and happy to be alive. Now I think this most of the time but sometimes I feel it down to the core of my soul.
The feeling is like being in love with someone. Colors are brighter, the future is full of possibilities, the very air seems sweeter, the fears of the everyday are quieted and there only seems to be space enough for love.
In these rare moments, life for me is like a puppy dog. I wake up and it wags its tail in anticipation of the fun we will have together. It is laughing silently because it knows that the joys I will experience will catch me unaware, and I will view the world in childhood wonder.
In my case, these moments are very rare and don't tend to last very long, but at least for today, I live and my life will follow me around wagging its tail.
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