Thoughts go through my head like, "WHAT." "HOW." "WHY." and feelings of being even more poor than I was before and wondering if I could survive even another year with these taxes multiply in my head.
Then the day comes when I go to the tax man and he rightly points out how many mistakes I have made in my return, overestimating and underestimating, and forgetting entire sections of things that I could deduct. Suddenly that painful number starts going down and down.
It is silly. The car mechanic comes out with a big smile on his or her face and you think the cost just went up a thousand dollars. The air conditioning goes out and you see yourself on Ramon noodles for the foreseeable future.
I am trying to train my mind to approach life a little differently.
A big tax bill, it means I get the opportunity to manage my money better.
A smiling car mechanic means that he is happy at the money he just saved me.
The air conditioning means that I get to see if that cute Home Depot woman is working at the register today.
Yeah. Not easy to believe those things, but I am going to try anyhow.
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