My family just went out to have 4th of July lunch. Our family is usually very loud, funny, goofy, and just plain laugh a lot when we get together.
Today, when we were being silly about how one of my cats has gas so bad that the smell sometimes wakes me up in the middle of the night, and sometimes I follow it around with a can of air freshener, my whole family was just having a great old time.
I looked around at the people sitting next to us and all of them seemed somber, unhappy, quite. It seemed like we were having the most fun there.
Why is it that some adults seem to put away the unabashed, rip roaring, belly-aching laughter as they get older?
I can remember times that I thought I had bruised a rib laughing uncontrollably for half an hour or more. Times when my friends wanted to put away the sharp knives and fit me for something in rubber with long arms.
Are we becoming a culture that is afraid of making a spectacle of ourselves? Are we taking our lives too seriously?
I just know that our reunions wouldn't be the same without the guffaws, snorts, titters, belches, and other joyful noises.
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, even is he knows the punchline.
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