I am currently getting over bronchitis and I am taking a pill to break up mucus.
Yes, no soft puppies and singing tree column here! This is real life.
The pills are huge. You would think that the drug manufacturers would make the mental leap between someone very congested, sore throat, even water being hard to swallow and then think "A large pill that is hard and scratchy and needs 12 ounces of water to get it to the stomach is the perfect idea."
That made me start thinking about life, and the day I can stop taking these things.
So I am going to talk about the kinds of pills I wouldn't mind taking.
How many times have you choked on the pill of "small acts of kindness?" Not very often!
Even if people are needing to change their actions in some way to break up the congestion of their lives, small acts of kind and thoughtful regard, with the purpose of uplifting that person are always a good pill to give.
Very rarely would someone get a closed throat and start sweating in fear before taking another small pill called "Just listening."
A lot of people already know that some self-destructive behaviors in which they are engaged need to be changed. A kind considerate and most of all a patient listener is what they need more than a bigger bitter pill from someone else.
Most important, love, acceptance and trust allow the person to give themselves the bigger pills. It is always easier to swallow your own medicine than having someone else shove it in your mouth and whack you on the back.
I love to think about knowing people (and myself) and having that 'acceptance thing' be an integral part of the relationship. I like to strive toward loving the whole person rather than just what's comfortable for me. Mutual respect and accountability thrive in these relationship...and the big pills slide a slight bit more easily.
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited to keep up with your blog :)