For a long time I have been the kind of person to question everything. What is the right thing to do at any moment? What is the right decision, the right career, the right path to follow. What is good and what isn't.
I am no sage, no prophet, but I do seek after the truth of things. So please feel free to disagree with what I think I have found out about what is Good.
Good is......
Desiring that the other person becomes the best person they can be.
Adding to the sum total of joy and peace in the world.
uplifting those that are down, whether spiritually, physically, or mentally.
Creating or sharing beautiful things that inspire you and may do so for others, and willing to be inspired by what they do.
Caring for yourself so that you have the ability to care for others.
Being willing to share when sharing is called for,
listen when listening is needed,
laughing when laughter will lift up,
crying when shared emotions will heal,
and loving above and beyond all else, the golden rule.
Yes it is a little abstract, a little vague. But I'm still working on it.
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