Tattering and Rickety
Well Worn on the rungs of time
Shuddering and Creaking
Old Ghost of forgotten crimes.
Wind Blown and Barely Standing
A Proclamation of Decay
Sand Streaked and Broken
The End of the Final Day
It is sometimes amazing what kind of imagery comes up when I read some poems. The one above I created to try to reproduce a certain feeling.
When you read it, think about what feelings and pictures come to mind.
Now compare that to the following poem:
Popping and Wobbly
Many steps in splendor care
Vibrating and Singing
Well spent memories shared
Breath Born and Patterned
A Resounding of fulfilled years
Beach Blown and Rustic
The Beginning of joy, the End of tears
How about that poem?
Different imagery for sure.
Can you guess what both poems are describing. They describe the exact same things but from two different points of view.
Give it a guess.
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