Have you ever been through a trial, a challenge and the people around you are saying things like, "You know I would be $&*^% mad if I were you!" or "I would have thrown them out on their ear!"
Yet, you don't have those reactions. Everyone is telling you that you should feel this way or you should feel that way, and you start trying out those emotions for yourself.
"Anyone else would be furious over this, you tell yourself. So in your mind you try out anger. You visualize giving that other person a piece of your mind. You imagine yelling or shouting, just getting into a great old scrap with them. Then you ask yourself, "Am I that angry?" Perhaps anger just doesn't fit.
How about "everyone tells me to throw him (her) out for this." So you slip that outrage and betrayal on like a new suit of clothes. Again, you have visions of throwing that person out. Does this emotion fit?
These examples are the more extreme of those that come up all the time. Most situations are more in the line of getting a flat tire, having to pay more for something, feeling harassed by someone or someone getting on your nerves.
I have found that most of people's opinions as to how I should feel given any set of circumstances is usually not what I am feeling. When I try on these other emotions they are just not me. I cannot see myself behaving like other people say they think I should behave.
All I can say is don't let other people talk you into feeling a way that you would not normally feel. Be authentic in all your feelings.
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