I just read the book, "Mutant Message Down Under" by Marlo Morgan. It is a story about how the author changed her life view after having spend 3 months on a walkabout with the Aborigines.
There is so much to this book that I cannot explain it fully here. The one thing that really stood out for me was that the Real People (the Aborigines) call Westerners mutants. They recognize that to hurt another is really to hurt yourself. To take more than you need is to deprive yourself later on. To harbor violence toward another is to hurt yourself. We don't recognize this connectedness.
In my own life I know that the times I was mean or cruel in my behavior toward someone else, it always turned out for the worse. If I cut in line, or tried impressing a boss to get a job over another person, were always self-destructive.
In addition, the notion that for 50000 years the Real People of Australia never polluted a stream, caused an animal to go extinct, destroyed any land is a testament to not only themselves but to the American Indians, the native Africans before other countries entered the country, the indigenous people's of Central and South America. A lot of parallels can be drawn.
I know that I am a mutant. I a slowly becoming less so. I am beginning to understand the interconnectedness of all things. This book just helped me to see it in a new light.
Thank you for the compliment. It is appreciated.