Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Front Row to the Happy Show

The Front Row to the Happy Show

Sometimes I am privileged to be a witness to supreme expressions of joy and happiness.  Such times make it impossible, upon witnessing them, to be anything but happy myself.

At one of the camp retreats I saw an entire family supporting their daughter as she attempted to climb a rock wall.  At first she was hesitant, and uncomfortable, looking up at that 40-foot tower.  Yet her brother, sisters, and parents urged her on.  Her dad rigged up and was right next to her.  He took a step, reached out for a stone, and she followed.  Then he would give her encouragement by saying that the next step, the next reach up was hers.  She took it and then he went up a step.  In this way, with the shouts of "you can do it!", "Look at how far you are already!" and "You're great!" in the background, they both moved step by step.  At one point, the girl's legs were shaking.  She was so very fatigued.  Her father got on her side of the wall and gave her his hand. With his help she got on the first platform and could rest.   He got there two.  They sat side by side and talked then.  I thought she would request to come down.  Her legs and arms acted to tired.  I don't know what conversation they had up there, but within minutes she was going for the top again.  When she pulled herself up to the top, all the family was clapping, whistling, and shouting.  And the girl.....She was BEAMING!!!   It was like a super nova of joy going off inside her.   And you know what?  When she burst into joy, so did I.

That is having a front row seat to the Happy Show!