Sometimes things work out for the best. Most of the time they happen to me and only after the fact do I recognize that there was a greater power helping me.
I remember when I was asked to lead an overview of the Bible. I sort of knew the overview. I had created charts and knew the basic history and the progression of Israel throughout that history. I knew the New Testament fairly well. But I sure didn't feel prepared.
I have a great memory. I really do. However, when I got up and starting talking I don't remember what I said. I really don't. Three hours seemed to go by in a blink. Suddenly the presentation was done and I wondered if I had babbled or what. I wondered if I had said anything that was even Biblical. I could barely remember some things, but they were like a dream.
While I was wondering this I looked around and opened my ears. There was no sound. Some of them looked like they had just been hit in the face with a large pillow and were still recovering from the blow.
I was a bit worried then. Did I just talk like a crazy man the last hours?
I asked one girl if anything I said made any sense at all. She looked at me with wide open eyes and said, "I have never understood the Bible before. This just blows my mind." With the other expressions in the class, I guess she was right.
It turned out all of them were asking me questions the rest of the day. Quoting me back some of the things that I don't even remember saying. They were intrigued and passionate about the Bible of all things. Strange.
I wish now I knew what I said. It must have been really good. I would have liked to take credit for it, but I knew that something greater had just borrowed me for awhile.
Me...make coherent sense for three hours. I don't think so.
It wasn't my fault.
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