Aikido is a process. It is actually absorbing the force, the violence, the poison from another's attack and responding with gentleness and respect (i.e. a willow bending under the force of a gale while an oak is uprooted by the same gale).
I know nothing of martial arts. However, in this school of thought, Aikido seems more of a life philosophy rather than a method of physical defense (though I am sure it is both).
What happens when we are attacked? Whether in word or by physical action, the body pumps out adrenaline, the muscles tense, the breath increases, the body temperature sometimes goes up. Now, a little quip or insult may only have a small effect like this, but if we feel attacked in any way the body responds. With training the body's response can be overridden (or so I have been told).
What about the emotions?
My first response to pain of any kind is to fight or flight. But I have realized that it is a choice. Pain is pain. Words hurt. Life cannot be lived without experiencing some pain. My only control is over how I respond to that pain.
I find it easier to respond with gentleness and respect, patience and kindness if I know a little about the other person. Perhaps they are under a lot of pressure. Some are just angry; a slow simmering rage just below the surface. A lot of times, fear of being rejected or being judged makes them reject or judge first. Throughout my life I have done all these things. I can put myself in the other person's shoes. It stops the cycle of fight or flight.
I am not saying that I am some master guru of Aikido. No no. I have to really be aware of how I deal with someone else attacking me. I can fight. I can leave. I can also be patient and gentle and loving.
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